LiFi Technology

More  recently, schools, teachers and parents and individuals are showing an interest in LiFi (Light Communication) technology. This page has been created to further this discussion, to educate ourselves about these developments and to discuss the applications which have the greatest relevance to SSITA, our parents and our teachers.

Both in Britain and in Europe, some schools are trialling the use of Light Communication technology. It is also being used in hospitals.

Disclaimer: Please note that in addition to our general website disclaimer we issue the following disclaimer for this particular page, dedicated as it is to this discussion on LiFi. SSITA does not endorse any particular LiFi company and nor do we endorse any  particular solution or application. We offer the links on this page for discussion purposes only, for those who wish to follow the development of this new emerging technology, in the hope that the reader will find it of interest or benefit in his, hers or their circumstances and investigations.

Here below is a very helpful history of the development of VLC:  It is interesting to note that Dr. Alexander  Graham Bell stated that it was his greatest achievement, surpassing even his invention of the telephone in terms of importance: See at the bottom of the timeline:

1880: The first VLC transmission (which was also the first wireless transmission in the world) was sent in Washington D.C. on 3 June 1880 by Scottish born engineer, inventor, scientist and innovator Dr. Alexander Graham Bell and his then assistant, American inventor Charles Sumner Tainter. They used a system they had developed and patented called the Photophone. Bell stated that it was his greatest achievement, surpassing even his invention of the telephone in terms of importance:

2011:  (The term LiFi was first coined by Professor Harald Haas durinbg this TED talk):







Other LiFi companies and what is happening across the world:

Early misconceptions:

Progress in Europe:

For those waiting eagerly to try this long-awaited technology, particularly those who are unable to avail themselves of Radio-Frequency Microwave Signal Radiation (e.g WiFi), we draw your attention to LiFi.Co. and their now available products and solutions bringing societal benefits to this group, as well as to society as a whole:


NB. This page is in the process of being developed.