To sign the petition, please click here
Below you will find an exhaustive amount of information on wireless smart meters- and the reasons why there are so many groups around the world fighting for a basic freedom that people do not realise we are about to loose- the right to exercise choice- (regarding the installation of devices) as to whether or not we wish to protect ourselves from wireless microwave radiation within our own homes…and the right to exercise that choice to also protect our neighbours from that radiation. It’s about choice and responsibility to ourselves and to others… in a world where people are increasingly being exposed to electromagnetic overload..with, at worse, possible health consequences, and at the least, distressing symptoms and discomfort.
Why are we asking parents to look into this issue and consider signing the e-petiton?
Because SSITA is concerned about the possible health impacts on young children if the Government decides to install wireless smart meters as opposed to wired ones.We feel that in situations where young children are being cared for, the microwave radiation from these wireless devices could bathe young children in this radiation all day long, in Day Care situations…….and 24/7 in domestic situations. Many nurseries are, for example, situated in former retail premises , ( e.g. in former shops), and other young children are being cared for by Child Minders who may intend to have one of these meters installed in an understairs cupboard, in a hall-way or on a garage wall underneath or next to a room occupied or used by a child. Meters in terraced houses will also pose a similar risk.
What can parents do in advance of this?
Please think about where your own meter is and where you Child’s Care Provider have their meter… Investigate and talk to your care provider about your concerns. See the list below of websites which have information on this hugely important issue.
A much safer option would be to have a fibreoptic network which is already available for most homes in urban environments.
Please look at the websites of our sister organisations below because there is a wealth of information on offer:
1. Bio Electromagnetic Research Initiative (BEMRI) –
2. Powerwatch –
3. Mast Victims –
- PG&E Begins Removing ‘Smart’ Meters Due to Health Effects
- USA – Smart Meter Health Hazard Dr Paul Dart Unpaid Expert Part 1 and part 2 – (Revolutionary study reports and videos)
4. Mast Sanity –
Now sign the e-petition and please send the link on to others.
Smart Meters: See No. 19. SSITA Videos> –House of Commons Select Committee on Smart Meters
Smart meters and cell damage from pulsed em radiation – our health at risk?
By Lynne Wycherley
Below, in these two articles, the reader will find many links to the work of respected international scientists and to the written evidence of Dr Liz Evans to the UK parliament. Readers may also use the link above this one to witness the evidence of Dr Liz Evans and Mike Mitcham of Stop Smart to the Commons Select Committee on Smart Meters.
Here it is again for your convenience – as item 18:
House of Commons Select Committee on Smart Meters
11th April 2017: part 1.