Cognition-Curriculum and Pedagogy-Technology.
These pages are being developed. They will attempt to open a wide-ranging discussion revolving around the four topics of: Cognition-Curriculum-Pedagogy and Technology.
If nothing else, they may serve to throw up the issues that show at what a critical crossroads mankind truly is.
The article below by Professor Olle Johansson was published in March 2014. It is interesting to note the concern expressed in it regarding the development of literacy in children. It is also interesting to compare it with the much more recent article at No. 2 here… a fairly recent account again of the current situation and discussion regarding these issues in Swedish schools… and what children themselves feel about handwriting lessons. On this very subject we also drawer the reader’s attention to this important German study at No. 4 here which again looked at the development of handwriting in children of this age and how the over-use of mobile phones, i-pads and computers could affect the motor control and hand/eye devlopment of children. It is important to bear in mind that pre-reading skills should be patiently and carefully developed in very young children and that children’s eye movement does not automatically move from left to right. This is a skill that must be development before any successful introduction to reading. This can be done by the simple tracing or copying of patterns, much like the Marion Richardson approach to handwriting that older UK readers may remember from their own school days. Children enjoy developing these skills, and such lessons often provide a much needed and peaceful respite for children from today’s fast-moving curriculum and digital overload.
3. Cognitive inhibition –
4. Supper_TeuchertNoodt_2021-2
Please see this excellent video below which acts as a useful “companion” to the above paper.