Letters to Government

1. Open letter on WiFi in schools to the new Conservative/Liberal Democrat Coalition administration. July 2010.

2.  Letter to Edward Davey MP

3.  Letter to Rt. Hon. Ed Balls, Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families.

4.  SSITA’s first letter to the new Coalition Government May 2010.

5.  Lord Hill’s Reply.

6.  Our final letter to Lord Hill

It is now almost six months since Public Health England came into being, on 1st.April 2013, subsuming the former Health Protection Agency. The letter below is our first to Rt. Hon. Jeremy Hunt, as the Secretary of State for Health. We also enclosed a copy of our British Doctors’ Letter.

7.  SSITA letter to Rt.Hon. Jeremy Hunt. MP

8.   Open letter to Rt Hon Damian Hinds/ DfE  – June 8th 2018 

9.  Dec 2016 – Important Assessment of the AGNIR Report: NB Schools should read the above letter in conjunction with the paper below: 


Please note: If the above link does not bring up this Paper then please click on the link below :


 In  the US:

“Letter to U.S. Education Secretary Regarding Risks of Wireless Radiation Exposures in Schools”